
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Facebook has officially signed up for IPO status

In Uncategorized on February 2, 2012 at 10:31 am

Just in case you don’t have eyes and ears, Yesterday Feb 1, 2012 was a historic day for Social Media giant Facebook. They officially filed their S1 document with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The company filed for a $5 billion initial public offering (IPO), making it one of the biggest in tech history and the biggest in internet history. The IPO will value Facebook between $75 and $100 billion.

I am sure everybody and their mother will invest in this stock once it goes public, driving the fuck out of the price and making it one of the most powerful companies in the world! Who would ever think when Mark Zuckerberg created this when he was at Harvard in 2003 running around in his flip flops and sweatshirt would become the worlds youngest billionaire at the ripe old age of just 27. This is frigging amazing and inspiring and shows you to follow your passion by stealing other peoples ideas. Just kidding!

This Valentines Day is not complete without the Jason of Beverly Hills Jewelry Heart Collection

In Uncategorized on February 1, 2012 at 11:27 pm

This Valentines Day, please don’t  be a cheap bastard and buy her the same heart shape chocolate box at CVS and flowers. I can guarantee that you will get dumped and definitely wont get laid if you continue to do this for yet another year. Show her you give a shit and buy her something she will have forever that she will never forget like any one of the gorgeous items from the heart shape jewelry collection at Jason of Beverly Hills.

The heart shaped jewelry collection has an amazing mix of pendants, necklaces and rings ranging from under $2,000 to $45,000. Don’t see something you like, no problem, Jason of Beverly Hills will create a unique one of a kind piece that will fit the bill, just remember to hurry up, because Valentines Day is less than two weeks away and custom orders can take longer. So be prepared, get her something she will love and believe me is she is happy, you will definitely be happy!

For the latest creations from Jason Of Beverly Hills, please click here

Social Distortion totally rocked out the Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas

In Uncategorized on February 1, 2012 at 6:51 pm

Last Friday, Jan 27, 2012, It was a Friday night, I was eating healthy chinese takeout, basically Kung Pao chicken without the fuckin Pao! . I was at my girls house entertaining her sister who thinks she’s Kourtney Kardashian without the kid. She was bringing over her new boyfriend who is basically dumber than a box of fuckin rocks.

All I could think of is how much longer till we leave for the Social Distortion concert at the Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel?  My girl is silly but a real fuckin trooper, she decides a week prior to go on a detox and not drink any alcohol for a month. Perfect fucking timing right? I mean we are only going to one of the most badass punk rock concerts of the year where you definitely want to drink your tits off.

So we get to the Joint at the Hard Rock and we meet up with my friends V and A. They were so cool to already have a PBR waiting for me ICE cold. Yeah it’s shitty beer, but it’s the cheapest and the best. We finish our beers walk in and the lights come on. Social Distortion was about to take the stage and the electricity of the crowd was incredible. Mike Ness comes out looking like Johnny Cash wearing all black, including a black fidora, black collared shirt, black pants, black shoes and thick white suspenders. Gone are the days where he is wearing black jeans and a wife beater. This old school punk rocker’s got the bread to buy some nice threads now after all these years!

The band looked good and they played incredibly tight. I felt really amazed to be there because this was the first concert of their 2012 tour.  You may wonder why Vegas? It’s because “we wanted to” according to frontman Mike Ness. The band played all the great shit we all grew up to and rocked the foundation of the Joint. I saw a lot of old school punk rockers in support of the band. I have to say it was nice there was no pit, maybe I am getting really fucking old, or maybe I just don’t want the shit kicked out of me when I watch a rock show anymore.  The band started with the song Bad Luck and ended with the encore Ring of Fire, a Johnny Cash cover. Below is the setlist just to rub it in your face, in case you weren’t there.

The setlist:

“Bad Luck”

“So Far Away”

“Story of My Life”

“Machine Gun Blues”

“Sick Boys”

“Telling Them”


“Gimme the Sweet and Lowdown”

“Dear Lover”

“Nickels and Dimes”

“Far Behind”

“Sometimes I Do”

“Winners and Losers”


“Alone and Forsaken” (Hank Williams cover)

“The Last Time (Rolling Stones cover)

“Drug Train”

“Reach for the Sky”

“Ring of Fire” (Johnny Cash cover)

The show was completely sold out,  My girlfriend resisted temptation and drank water all night and threw water on some dudes crotch that was trying to hit on her. The energy of the crowd was amazing, everybody was having a great time and it blows me a way that after 34 years Social Distortion rocked the shit out of the Joint at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas and are better than ever!

The Book that Andy Warhol always wanted to release is finally here

In Uncategorized on February 1, 2012 at 12:23 am

If you are a member of the Andy Warhol store, you can buy the new $30 book Unexposed Exposures for $27, that Andy Warhol originally wanted to release in 1979, but couldn’t quite do it the way he intended because his publishers at the time were complete T-bags. This new book would have made Warhol proud because it includes all 70 Black and White  pictures that Warhol originally selected that were removed from the book when it was originally published in 1979, which Warhol wanted to title Social Diseases.

According to Warhol’s original executive publisher who is responsible for carrying out Warhol’s  original vision by introducing this book  “There is a sense of intimacy as well as of voyeurism, of funny-looking, insecure, wistful Andy, through flattery and attentiveness, trying to connect. Yet, because he was not just any photographer but a famous artist, a star, there is often a sense that the looking is being done at the man with the camera as well as by him. In some cases, the subjects are clearly performing for their fellow luminary, or close friend, or boss. As spontaneous as these images may seem, they are intrinsically staged, with Warhol himself as both chronicler and catalyst of the moments he is documenting. And what moments they are! Only Andy could get David Hockney in extra-brief running shorts, or Susan Sontag batting her eyelashes across a fancy restaurant table at Gloria Vanderbilt, or Halston’s Venezuelan window dresser and lover, Victor Hugo, sitting under Goya’s Red Boy in Kitty Miller’s Park Avenue parlor …. ” (Bob Coacello)

Even though Warhol was an artist and was extremely and will always be famous, this book depicts how real he was and his fascination with people, fame, celebrity and photography!

The Mandarin Hotel Bar in Las Vegas on the 23rd floor has the best view

In Uncategorized on January 31, 2012 at 8:31 pm
I network all over Las Vegas to build up the brand that I am representing. I am always looking for different places to go that are upscale, luxury and eclectic to attract the right clientele not hookers.
For the last six month’s I have made it a point three times a week to hit the Mandarin Oriental Bar on the 23rd floor. This is probably one of the most modern, impressive and hip bars the Vegas Strip has to offer because of a few key factors. They have the most breathtaking views of the Strip as well as modern furniture and large glass window’s mixed with comfort where you can get lost in a corner with friends and no one would ever know you were there. At night the lights of the strip illuminate parts of the bar and make you feel like you own the town because it’s literally in your lap. 
What makes a bar besides the booze, the bartenders do! The head bartender, Michael Lapenna who is and Italian Jewish guy from New York and open to any color and race, has the most amazing cocktail recipes ever.  Before you know it, your ass is firmly planted exactly where it was 4 hours prior because Michael has done his job well with making you the most amazing drinks while you are surrounded by some really interesting people who have a lot to say.  Michael has a specialty drink that’s going on the new menu that he shared with me called the Green Monster. Go figure, he named it that considering he is probably a Yankee’s fan, but it works for me because I am a die hard Red Sox fan. So what exactly is in a Green Monster?  Here are the ingredients
honey & basil
muddle with belvedere
velvet falerum
maraschino cherry liqueur
rhubarb bitters
lemon juice
ginger infused simple syrup
This drink ain’t cheap, so be prepared to spend the $20 you would pay for a lap dance for this drink. You may not get an erection but you will get buzzed and it will last longer. To be honest my favorite cocktail at the Mandarin Oriental is the Old Fashioned made by my other favorite bartender Anthony. This is a healthy pour that’s not too sour or too sweet and doesn’t knock you the fuck out! The Mandarin Oriental bar is not for those who want two for one drink specials, its a classy establishment without the dirty rift-raff, great food, better service and probably the best room with a view in Las Vegas.The only part that sucks is that the bar closes early at 1 am  on weekdays and two am on the weekends.  For more information on this incredible hotel and bar, please click here

Hello world!

In Uncategorized on January 30, 2012 at 3:11 am

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Jason Arasheben will host a special Give Love Charity event in Vegas with special guest Katy Perry

In Uncategorized on January 26, 2012 at 9:17 pm

Tomorrow Jan 27, 2012, famed Jeweler Jason Arasheben of Jason of Beverly Hills will be hosting a special Give Love charity event in Las Vegas at the Mirage Hotel to kick off the grand opening of 1 Oak. Accompanying Jason in hosting this event will be special guest and mega star Katy Perry and designer collaborators, J Molliniari and Markus Mollinari.

Give Love charity co-founders,  Patricia Arquette and Rosetta Getty will attend the celebration. There will also be a special live performance by Jordanian-American recording artist, Ferras.

This charity does amazing things like supports temporary housing development in Haiti as well as eco-sanitation efforts. This event is part of  a three day celebration to raise awareness for these efforts and the opening of 1 Oak.

I am sure this will be a huge success, because Jason doesn’t do things half assed, he really goes for it! If you want to contribute or find out more about this incredible charity. please click here

Banksy’s 2010 Exit Through the Gift Shop is a must see art documentary

In Uncategorized on January 26, 2012 at 6:49 pm
I don’t really know what it is about pop culture, the art of Andy Warhol, Jean Michel Basquiat, Roy Lichtenstein, the music of the Ramones and the spirit of 1977 in NYC that gives me a huge stiffy!  I guess it was a decadent time that is all tied together by timeless passion. I have yet to feel that with any other era, and I wasn’t even there for it. 
In the last 5-10 years, Graffiti are has been all the rage, whether it’s Shepard’s Fairey with his iconic Obey images of late wrestler Andre the Giant, French artist Space Invader, or the most notorious and mysterious artist of our time British art deviant Banksy.  All these dudes are pretty fucking young and really fucking paid. 
I have been watching a lot of art documentaries in my free time and lately I was turned on to this incredible art documentary, which is actually directed by Banksy, called Exit Through the Gift Shop, which was released in 2010.  This film was originally supposed to be a documentary of a french fat dudes obessesion with street art and the likes of Banksy, but Banksy very cleverly flipped the switch and turned this into a documentary about Thierry Guetta, the French fat dude. 
This documentary chronicles Theirry Guetta’s constant documenting of his every waking moment on film, from a chance encounter with his cousin, the artist Invader, to his introduction to a host of street artists with a focus on Shepard Fairey and Banksy, whose anonymity is preserved by obscuring his face and altering his voice, to Guetta’s eventual fame as a street artist himself. 
Exit to the Gift Shop was nominated for an Academy Award  for Best Documentary Feature and has received international critical acclaim as well as speculation to whether this film is for real or mockumentary. Either way, it’s highly entertaining, fascinating, funny, exhilerating and shows the excitement of the art world all over it! Do yourself a favor, watch this movie because it’s one of the most inspirational things you will watch in a very non conventional way!
Please click the play button to get aroused by the trailer!

Even Chuck Bass wears Paul Smith

In Uncategorized on January 26, 2012 at 3:31 am

                                 Chuck Bass wearing the Paul Smith Top Coat

                                         The PS Paul Smith Top Coat retail $965

These days it’s hard to find a top coat that fits over a suit that doesn’t make you look like a frigging lawyer. Top coats have been a staple for businessmen for years and to be honest I have been looking for that right one that isn’t to plain and isn’t ungodly expensive.

For the last 5 month’s I have been obsessing over the most incredible top coat from Paul Smith at the Crystals Mall in Las Vegas where I first saw it. The coat is grey with an oh so cool faux leopard fur made out of pony hair around the collar which gives it that edge but with class and distinction. When I first saw it, I was like Fuck, this is going to be at least $2,000. Then when I finally had the nads to try it on, to my surprise the coat was less than half that at $965. Even for me that was a bit pricey because I am cheap.

So before leaving for my vacation for London, I was like screw it I am definitely getting it, even if it doesn’t go on sale. but something held me back. I think it was my wallet. A few days ago, I was watching my biggest guilty pleasure, Gossip Girl, OK I know it’s tres gay, but what can I say I have been watching it from the beginning and now I am hooked. As I am watching the show, I see one of the lead characters Chuck Bass, played by English actor Ed Westwick as pictured above wearing my coat. I was like, shit I have to get that coat if it’s still available because it looks outstanding on. I was shocked to see it on the show because usually a lot of the clothes worn by Chuck Bass are custom made because he is a fucking billionaire on the show, so there’s no way you would think you could actually afford to buy it.

So yesterday I went back to Paul Smith at the Crystals Mall in Las Vegas and I almost sharted because not only is the coat still available in my size, it’s priced at half off! It’s a fucking sign, I have to buy it now obviously because even Chuck Bass is wearing Paul Smith. Haha, Ya right!

2012 Golden Globe queen Meryl Streep rains supreme wearing the Jaeger- leCoultre 101 Etrier

In Uncategorized on January 25, 2012 at 7:28 pm

At the most recent 2012 Golden Globes, the most elegant lady of film. Meryl Streep won her eighth Golden Globe. Meryl has been nominated a record breaking sixteen times for an Academy Award and has taken two out of the sixteen Oscar’s home. This year I predict it will be three for her role as Margaret Thatcher in her most recent movie, The Iron Lady.

I can tell you from first hand experience of my brief encounter with her almost two years ago now at a prestigious Hotel in Beverly Hills, that she is one of the most gracious and warm women I ever met besides my own mother. She couldn’t have been nicer, and I will say she deserves all the success she receives and I really hope it continues, because I have yet to see anybody in Hollywood today who has her humility and timeless elegance.

She also has impeccable taste, because adorned on her wrist while she was receiving the award was the smallest and most elegant timepiece that watch manufacture Jaeger- LeCoultre makes for women. This watch is known as the 101 Ertier.  This watch houses the smallest mechanical movement in the world that Jaeger-leCoutre originally started manufacturing in 1929.  This watch fits Meryl perfectly because like her it’s sophisticated with a beautiful black satin strap, subtle because of it’s size and yet highly evolved because of it’s mechanical movement. The case of the watch is white gold and is set with only the best top Whesselton diamonds.

In the movie Iron Lady, Meryl wears a vintage Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso in yellow gold, part of Jaeger-LeCoultre Heritage Gallery. With all her fame, critical claim, elegance and popularity, it’s nice to see a women like Meryl Streep doing so well because she is so down to earth and relatable and yet has the most subtle and exquisite taste.

Please check out Meryl Streep’s interview on the Today Show after winning her eighth Golden Globe by clicking the play button below to see how incredible she really is.