
Facebook has officially signed up for IPO status

In Uncategorized on February 2, 2012 at 10:31 am

Just in case you don’t have eyes and ears, Yesterday Feb 1, 2012 was a historic day for Social Media giant Facebook. They officially filed their S1 document with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The company filed for a $5 billion initial public offering (IPO), making it one of the biggest in tech history and the biggest in internet history. The IPO will value Facebook between $75 and $100 billion.

I am sure everybody and their mother will invest in this stock once it goes public, driving the fuck out of the price and making it one of the most powerful companies in the world! Who would ever think when Mark Zuckerberg created this when he was at Harvard in 2003 running around in his flip flops and sweatshirt would become the worlds youngest billionaire at the ripe old age of just 27. This is frigging amazing and inspiring and shows you to follow your passion by stealing other peoples ideas. Just kidding!

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