
The Book that Andy Warhol always wanted to release is finally here

In Uncategorized on February 1, 2012 at 12:23 am

If you are a member of the Andy Warhol store, you can buy the new $30 book Unexposed Exposures for $27, that Andy Warhol originally wanted to release in 1979, but couldn’t quite do it the way he intended because his publishers at the time were complete T-bags. This new book would have made Warhol proud because it includes all 70 Black and White  pictures that Warhol originally selected that were removed from the book when it was originally published in 1979, which Warhol wanted to title Social Diseases.

According to Warhol’s original executive publisher who is responsible for carrying out Warhol’s  original vision by introducing this book  “There is a sense of intimacy as well as of voyeurism, of funny-looking, insecure, wistful Andy, through flattery and attentiveness, trying to connect. Yet, because he was not just any photographer but a famous artist, a star, there is often a sense that the looking is being done at the man with the camera as well as by him. In some cases, the subjects are clearly performing for their fellow luminary, or close friend, or boss. As spontaneous as these images may seem, they are intrinsically staged, with Warhol himself as both chronicler and catalyst of the moments he is documenting. And what moments they are! Only Andy could get David Hockney in extra-brief running shorts, or Susan Sontag batting her eyelashes across a fancy restaurant table at Gloria Vanderbilt, or Halston’s Venezuelan window dresser and lover, Victor Hugo, sitting under Goya’s Red Boy in Kitty Miller’s Park Avenue parlor …. ” (Bob Coacello)

Even though Warhol was an artist and was extremely and will always be famous, this book depicts how real he was and his fascination with people, fame, celebrity and photography!

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