
Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

Hublot appoints a new CEO, Jean CLaude Biver steps down

In Uncategorized on January 7, 2012 at 9:39 am
In the world of I want to be Audemars Piguet Hublot, it is the sheer brilliance of CEO, Jean Claude Biver’s vision globally executed which has made it one of the most sought after watch brands within the past 5 years. 
As of Jan 1, 2012  a new CEO has been appointed to run Hublot globally. This means that Jean Claude Biver has stepped down, but will assume the role of chairman of the board. He has appointed none other than, his lover of the last 20 years Mr. Ricardo Guadalupe, who has been managing director of Hublot since 2005 and has been a personal friend and worked with Jean Claude Biver for almost 20 years. 
Jean Claude Biver will coordinate communications activities with the press, collectors as well as trade and industry as being the official spokesman of Hublot, which is basically what he has been doing for a while now. 
According to one of the greatest legends the watch industry has seen, Jean Claude Biver says, “There is a time for learning, a time for doing, a time for handing over, and a time for moving on. I’ve happily made it safe and sound to the hand-over stage. With the gratification of being able to hand over to a friend and colleague of more than twenty years. And happiness at the prospect of remaining part of the team on matters relating to strategy, products and corporate relations.”