
Vegas Magazine does a featured profile on Jason Arasheben in their latest December issue

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2011 at 4:00 am

Ever since the opening of the Jason Of Beverly Hills Boutique at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas last December, Jason of Beverly Hills is getting more and more critical acclaim all over the world. Vegas is a destination the world comes to use as a playground and no matter what happens or how in the shitter the economy is everybody comes to Vegas at some point!

I am proud to say, the Jason of Beverly Hills boutique at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas has caused quite the stir in the last year and has taken off like a rocket! The incredibly iconic custom made pieces Jason has created have gotten the notoriety of not just celebrities and athletes but all sorts of international, national and local press. In this December’s issue of Vegas magazine, CEO Jason Arasheben is profiled and in this candid interview, he talks about the success of his first boutique at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas, how pushing the envelope and thinking in an unconventional way has attributed to his success and the actual design process of these original pieces.

Don’t be a lazy, get your self a copy of Vegas Magazine which is on newsstands now or please click here to read the digital version.

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