
Archive for November, 2011|Monthly archive page

Carlos Agrillo is the next Andy Warhol

In Uncategorized on November 27, 2011 at 7:04 am
Al Paccino
Iggy Pop
Salvador Dali

Since I can remember, I have always been very intrigued by fame I am so F’ing shallow. Pop Artist Andy Warhol has always been a source of inspiration and has been able to help me understand the obsession behind it with his incredibly iconic masterpieces.  There have been a lot of artists since Warhol, but none of them have been able to capture the moment of relative pop culture quite like him.

I am proud to say up an coming artist and friend, Carlos Agrillo, has shown me hope by capturing the essence of pop culture with hints of Warhol in an abstract rock n roll way, which give him his own iconic style. Here is a little bit about Carlos Agrillo. Art has always been a part of Carlos’s life in some form or another. The early years found him dabbling in the medium of comic books. From the age of 5 and well into his teens he collaborated with a number of family members and friends. Carlos eventually found himself doing more solo projects and dabbled in a number of mediums and genres. At 18, he decided to pursue music. This endeavor would leave a lasting effect on him and greatly influences his art today.

In the music world, he met many like-minded artists, most of whom he still works with to this day.

Carlos has taken iconic images an made them uniquely his by his use of shading, color and connection to the subject.  You can check out his website to see more of his work. Since he is a product of the eighties much like myself, you can definitely see where his influence comes from.  Most people who try and use iconic subjects end of turning them into a hand job. Carlos takes it one step further and gives these subjects life and makes them relate able. He just exhibited in an Art show amongst 40 artists in LA on Melrose Ave, and was one of the few artists that sold paintings his first day of exhibition.

So watch out for this young talent, because he has a passion, incredible talent and understanding of his subjects, which in my opinion could make him the next Andy Warhol.

The Jason of Beverly Hills Ribcage Pendant video is here!

In Uncategorized on November 27, 2011 at 1:29 am
This Jason of Beverly Hills Ribcage Pendant video gives body jewelry a whole new meaning. Check it out!

Converse saved me from wearing the same sneakers as Justin Bieber

In Uncategorized on November 24, 2011 at 3:21 am
YSL Pony Leopard Hightops
My  new Custom made Converse Chuck Taylor Hightops
I consider myself to have my own style, largely because I never have clean clothes, I am like the brown Punky Brewster, shit never matches. There have always been two very distinct sides to my personality, multiple personality disorder  Punk and Sophistication. I have always been able to embrace a made to measure suit just as much as bondage pants and old ripped up punk t-shirt.  I thought when famed designer YSL came out with these really cool leopard sneakers made out of pony hair, it was exactly what I wanted and needed. Then I saw Justin Bieber on the recent 2011 MTV music awards wearing them and I am like F-That.  I don’t think he has found his dick yet finished going through puberty yet. I’ll give his stylist credit, but he is way too young to be wearing a pair of shoes from YSL. He doesn’t even understand that shit. I mean how many kids in this economy can afford to buy an $800 pair of fashion sneakers? Not this one, that’s for sure! 
Actually, Bieber did me a favor. So, I was browsing through the Converse website in search of the alternative. Within 10 mins of browsing their site, my prayers were answered because I stumbled across their custom section and designed a pair of my own leopard sneakers, which in my opinion makes the YSL ones look ordinary. Converse Chuck Taylors are as American as apple f’ing pie. I have been wearing them for years and now they have given me the whole DIY(do it yourself) experience online which is badass!  I was able to pick out and design everything, from the print to the color of the piping, to the eyelits, to the laces. It took me 10 mins and the best part is they were under $80  with shipping and I will be wearing something completely unique and sticking to an American classic!