
Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffee Machine makes the best espresso

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2011 at 10:30 am

Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffee Machine
Aeroccino Plus (Milk Frother)

Nespresso coffee Capsules
A couple years ago, I was with my uncle in London. We rode the number 14 bus from our family home to Knights bridge. Go figure, my uncle loves the frigging bus because he’s cheap he claims he loves sitting at the top because he loves the view.  Don’t get me wrong the view is great but at the end of the day we were going to the poshest area in London riding the F’ing bus after all. Honestly, it was pretty cool actually.
We get off the bus, and we go to Harrods, watch stores because I am a frigging watch whore, then we sit down on a park bench and eat a packed lunch that my uncle packed with so much love and passion. Lucky me. Yeah right! so after we had lunch which I couldn’t eat fast enough, we go to Beauchamp Pl which is round the corner from Harrods and walk into the Nespresso store which is a store that sells coffee machines. I had never seen a store like this for coffee, but my uncle convinced me that we should go in and act like we are going to buy one of their machines, so we can each get a free cup of espresso.  I got to give my uncle points for originality, even though it was an extremely embarrassing encounter. We spent over in hour in there, antagonizing the sales people and drinking multiple coffees acting like we were real customers, but shit, it was the best coffee I have ever had.
Now fastforwording to a few month’s ago in Vegas, I am looking for a brand new espresso machine, frustrated as hell because there like a million of these things out there. Not sure which one to buy, I stumble across a video of the Nespresso Essenza on Youtube and at that moment I felt like I was home because of that experience I had with my uncle and it was the only F’ing brand that I could recognize that wasn’t a million dollars.   I probably watched 10 different videos on the same machine to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. This machine pumps out the best espresso out there. I mean for a machine that’s not commercial grade, I would put it up against any stainless steel commercial grade monster at an espresso bar. For those of you who love espresso, the best part of all besides the taste is the separation between the coffee and crema, and this machine does it consistently every time. For the money this machine is by far the best one out there. Forget the Kurig, this machine is compact, sleek, sophisticated and really easy to use like a sexy european model . The best place to get your espresso machine and where I got mine is called a whole lotta latte love. You van visit their website here.
I bought my machine for $250 including 16 trial capsules and a stainless steel frother, which makes micro foam that will blow your mind. This frother does cold and hot frothing and you will take serious pride in making your espresso, cappuccino, lattes or whatever else your trying to make. So GO and get one of these machines and you will forget paying an ass load of money at Starfucks Starbucks!

Please watch the video that made this obsession turn into a reality for me.

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