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Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffee Machine makes the best espresso

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2011 at 10:30 am

Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffee Machine
Aeroccino Plus (Milk Frother)

Nespresso coffee Capsules
A couple years ago, I was with my uncle in London. We rode the number 14 bus from our family home to Knights bridge. Go figure, my uncle loves the frigging bus because he’s cheap he claims he loves sitting at the top because he loves the view.  Don’t get me wrong the view is great but at the end of the day we were going to the poshest area in London riding the F’ing bus after all. Honestly, it was pretty cool actually.
We get off the bus, and we go to Harrods, watch stores because I am a frigging watch whore, then we sit down on a park bench and eat a packed lunch that my uncle packed with so much love and passion. Lucky me. Yeah right! so after we had lunch which I couldn’t eat fast enough, we go to Beauchamp Pl which is round the corner from Harrods and walk into the Nespresso store which is a store that sells coffee machines. I had never seen a store like this for coffee, but my uncle convinced me that we should go in and act like we are going to buy one of their machines, so we can each get a free cup of espresso.  I got to give my uncle points for originality, even though it was an extremely embarrassing encounter. We spent over in hour in there, antagonizing the sales people and drinking multiple coffees acting like we were real customers, but shit, it was the best coffee I have ever had.
Now fastforwording to a few month’s ago in Vegas, I am looking for a brand new espresso machine, frustrated as hell because there like a million of these things out there. Not sure which one to buy, I stumble across a video of the Nespresso Essenza on Youtube and at that moment I felt like I was home because of that experience I had with my uncle and it was the only F’ing brand that I could recognize that wasn’t a million dollars.   I probably watched 10 different videos on the same machine to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. This machine pumps out the best espresso out there. I mean for a machine that’s not commercial grade, I would put it up against any stainless steel commercial grade monster at an espresso bar. For those of you who love espresso, the best part of all besides the taste is the separation between the coffee and crema, and this machine does it consistently every time. For the money this machine is by far the best one out there. Forget the Kurig, this machine is compact, sleek, sophisticated and really easy to use like a sexy european model . The best place to get your espresso machine and where I got mine is called a whole lotta latte love. You van visit their website here.
I bought my machine for $250 including 16 trial capsules and a stainless steel frother, which makes micro foam that will blow your mind. This frother does cold and hot frothing and you will take serious pride in making your espresso, cappuccino, lattes or whatever else your trying to make. So GO and get one of these machines and you will forget paying an ass load of money at Starfucks Starbucks!

Please watch the video that made this obsession turn into a reality for me.

STK and Jason Of Beverly Hills make the most expensive accessory in Las Vegas

In Uncategorized on October 25, 2011 at 6:09 pm
The Ultra Swanky STK Dining Room

Jason oF Beverly Hills STK Steak Knife-$15,000
Being the Happy Hinjew Hindu that I am, I shouldn’t be eating beef. It’s part of my religion and culture. I am proud to say, I will eat the ass out of some cow any day. Beef is good food, especially steak. To be honest, I am more of a Burger guy than a steak guy. That all changed when I came to Vegas and one of the first people I met was George Martin, who has become a great friend and is the GM of STK at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas. 
STK, in my opinion without a doubt is the busiest and best steakhouse in the US. Their concept of a steakhouse nightclub logically doesn’t make any sense,  but it so works because they have made eating steak sexy with their very hip and modern decor  and they have separated themselves completely from all their filthy and boring competitors .who are old as balls
Since I was born in the seventies and obsessed with that time period, not disco, Punk Rock, I have also been intrigued with Studio 54. STK Las Vegas feels like a modern day studio 54. It’s glamorous, sheik and downright sexy and sometimes almost impossible to get in. What they have created is outstanding, especially with a traditional and old school food like steak. 
When our owner Jason Arashaben was in town a couple of month’s ago, we were at STK and within ten minutes he came up with the most brilliant idea, he was so excited I thought his head was going to fall off and roll on the ground which we have implemented with the help of STK. We are going to take the dining experience and raise it like 10 fold.  Once we officially launch this, we will secure the most expensive accessory in Vegas. STK has provided us with their stainless steel steak knife which is unique to them and we turned the biatch upside down and set 5.25 carats of VS1 G H color diamonds on the top of the handle of the knife. When people use this knife they will officially crap themselves silly. What better way to cut your meat than with a diamond steak knife. The price tag on this bad boy will be $15,000. I know, it a bargain, keep your hair on. 
The knife will be presented in a very special way to the rich and famous at STK, which will make the client part of a very exclusive an elite club where they will have to sign a very secret book that they used the knife. I wonder who will be the first to use the knife? maybe Ron Jeremy I am sure we will found out soon enough! 

An Optical Retrospective

In Uncategorized on October 23, 2011 at 5:03 am

Ok, so I know at this point I must look like I work for the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas, what can I say, I am there everyday and I can’t help it if they have the most unique retail on the Vegas strip. Working with Jason of Beverly Hills as the brand ambassador has garnered me many relationships that I have personally been able to build in the last year.
In this particular case, I don’t care, I’ll just come out and say it. I am the biggest sunglass slut on the planet. It doesn’t help that the best sunglass and eyeglass store in the world Retrospecs and Co is right across from our Jason of Beverly Hills Boutique at The Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas. My addiction with sunglasses started when i was sixteen and I didn’t give a shit on how much anything costs. I blew through hundreds of pairs of expensive glasses over a ten year period. Today, because I am older, fatter and more grey, I do give a shit where I spend my dough. 
Once I realized what Retrospecs and Co was all about, I made a vow to myself that this is the only place I will ever buy my sunglasses and eyeglasses period! The GM of the store, Gene Williams has become a great friend and has really taken all my money schooled me on what the best sunglasses are, especially vintage. Retrospecs and Co are in a class by themselves. They have the most beautiful Maison that houses original sunglasses and eye wear from the early 1900’s to the late 1980’s. I am broke thanks to Gene and have 7 pairs of original spectacles from all different time periods It’s funny, once I bought my seventh pair I told Gene, “I finally have a different pair for every day of the week” and he responds by saying “you know there are 30 days in a month”. Everything made today is a cheap knock off of the past and Gene has all the original icons like Rayban before it became duche Bausch and Lomb to the original Dior, that everybody wants but think they can’t afford. When you pick up a pair of original frames from back then you can see the artistry and construction is so solid and has lasted a lifetime and will last many more, if you not a complete twat idiot and treat them with respect.

The relationship we built is so cock rock solid with Retrospecs and Co, that it propelled us to do a co-branding effort where Jason Of Beverly Hills took a vintage pair of sunglasses in white gold from Retrospecs and diamond out the top of the frames. Jason of Beverly Hills was so inspired by  a pair of vintage Rayban Waferers at Retrospecs and Co that he manufactured them in white gold and black gold with white diamonds and black diamonds and hung them off a pendant and literally sold them the day after we received them at the store. 

If your in the market for the best glasses in the world, pull up your socks, get outta the house go see Gene at Retrospecs at The Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas, he will treat you like family, give you an education and an experience where you will be able to see the world through historic specs.

For more info on Retrospecs please click here

Jason of Beverly Hills Boutique at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas is the Ultimate Custom Jewelry Destination

In Uncategorized on October 22, 2011 at 8:45 am
Jesse Mancha Dirty Samchez (Boutique Director)
Brass Knucke Switchblade Pendant $5,800
Razorblade Pendant $3,500
Ribcage Pendant $9,950
Mens cuff Bracelet $2995
Hubris Blk Diam Bez Rubber Strap $15,000
Yellow Gold Explosion Ring $12,950
Diamond Necklace $207,000

Aside from working with  President Clinton in 2005 when I was in high end watch retail, my proudest moment  of my career was moving to Sin City last December to open the very cool, hip, young and sexy Jason of Beverly Hills Boutique at The Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas.

Opening this boutique was no joke. I arrived December 1 2010 and opened it in 14 days later on December 15, 2010. I literally helped transform this from a shell of a boutique to one of the most cutting edge watch and jewelry boutique’s in the world. Seeing that I had no prior experience in opening a store, this was as challenging as minnie me having intercourse with a normal sized person in his sex tape. It was fun and exciting to meet new people and be a part of an elite group of retailers at the hottest hotel in Vegas.

Today, the Jason of Beverly Hills boutique in Las Vegas is run by Boutique Director Aladdin Jesse Mancha. Jesse has done a phenomenal job at running this boutique into the ground and establishing a star studded clientele and hiring the most capable and talented sales people. The store houses the most incredible watch and jewelry pieces from the iconic razor blade pendant, which is often seen on famed singer Rihanna to the ultimate in opulent and sophisticated $207,000 diamond necklace. Whatever you can imagine can be made by Jason of Beverly Hills. They even have a plasma screen TV, which continuously runs a video of the making of a particular jewelry piece which is the new beetle ring.

Jason of Beverly Hills has only been in the business for 9 years. It’s amazing what Jason has achieved with his first boutique in the US. Even though he is a young jeweler compared to all the older historic brands with no life or imagination, It speaks volumes that in a an economy where the big jewelers are down sizing, Jason is going global and plans to open in different markets all over the world. Jason, clearly has nothing to prove or trying to compensate for something he doesn’t have by opening these humongous waste of space stores. He is doing it right having his stores small, having the right products and being in the best locations in the world. To view all of Jason of Beverly Hills latest creations click here   The video below is the official opening of the Jason of Beverly Hills boutique, which opened last December, Check it out.

Tim Timebomb’s Rock n Roll theater is real cool

In Uncategorized on October 22, 2011 at 6:00 am
Since 1993, I have  been the biggest Rancid Fan in the world. They are the modern day Clash and despite the bullshit you hear today being recycled on Gay-Tunes iTunes, Rancid has been able to be relevant for the last 20 years and stay true to themselves. 
The whole band is like a family. A few years ago, I had the chance of chilling with the band and getting  to know them a little bit on a human level and let me tell you, these guys are like f’ing brothers. The band was spear headed by Tim Armstrong, who in my opinion is the Godfather of Punk and the owner of Hellcatt Records. To say he is a genius in an understatement. He is truly passionate about his work and has co collaborated with the likes of Gwen Stefani and Pink as a producer. He is an artist, a poet and a friend. 
I recently saw Rancid play at the House of Blues in Las Vegas and considering that they are older and wiser, that spirit of punk rock and unity they have defined themselves by still very much exists today. They play together so effortlessly and can still rock any show they play together no matter what. It was amazing to see them play out. Even though they hit mainstream success in 1994 with Out Come the Wolves, they have managed to stay underground, love what they do and make money. 
Earlier this month, Tim Armstrong posted a clip of his newest creation Tim Timebomb’s Rock n Roll Theater. This is a brand new web series which he created with his friends. According to Tim
Doing a show centered on musical theatre isn’t really a stretch for me,” says Armstrong. “For 25 years I’ve been making music and collaborating with friends, been involved in hundreds of videos, and it’s really just a direct extension of my world.” Armstrong adds, “VEVO is the perfect partner to premiere the show because their platform is extensive and will bring lots of eyeballs to our show.” The Pilot episode Dante is scheduled to air Today Oct 21, 2011 and stars Robert David Hall, who is known for his work on CSI,  family member and Rancid Guitarist Lars Frederiksen, and good friend and AFI frontman Davey Havok.  This is just another medium showing Tim’s versatility as an artist and his passion for music entertainment and working with great people. Please watch the clip below and click here to stay tuned for the latest updates.

Muammar Gaddafi captured and killed

In Uncategorized on October 20, 2011 at 6:15 pm

Cross dresser Muammar Gaddafi, ruler of Libya for 42 years was just captured and found dead today. This was a long time coming after his Tierney and destruction to the lives of so many innocent people.
Gaddafi was reportedly found by NTC forces hiding with several of his bodyguards in a drain underneath a road west of the city. He took refuge there after being targeted by a NATO air strike while attempting to flee the city.

I know he was an absolutley horrible man and his wardrobe was a cross between Micheal Jackson and Liberache deserved to die for his actions, but WTF, do we really need to see a video claiming to be of Gaddafi’s bloodied body after capture?

How to think and be Super Rich

In Uncategorized on October 20, 2011 at 12:08 am

When you think of Hip Hop today, you immediately think of people like Jay-Z, Eminem, Lil Wayne, and brotha’s from other motha’s. Hip Hop genius and mogul Russell Simmons was the man responsible for bringing hip hop into the mainstream. He achieved major success in the world of fashion, music and entertainment and he did all this with TM(transcendental meditation).

Russell, recently came out with a book called Super Rich. I know, when you hear a name of a book like this you must think it may be some get rich quick scheme, in reality it’s all about getting whatever it is that you want by being grateful and meditating. Being brown, I was raised to meditate or pray and be grateful for what I have. I feel that Russell has done an outstanding job at relaying this in his book and especially his audio book Super Rich which is available on

I have read and heard plenty of law of attraction books and most of them suck. They don’t go in depth and explain how it all works. This book and especially the audio book is a 55 chapter story of how life works from success to failure and how important it is to meditate be grateful and not basque in your own bullshit because all you will get is more of it. I strongly recommend to anybody who wants to feel good. It will restore your faith in yourself and make you feel like anything is possible and you will realize how insignificant money is when it comes to success.

iPhone 4S Review

In Uncategorized on October 18, 2011 at 10:03 pm

I have have been using the iPhone since the 3G came out. Its pretty F’ing crazy how this phone has revolutionized the way we communicate and get laid valuable information. I just got the new iPhone 4s on Friday, the release date 10/14/11 and thank Christ I didn’t have to stand in a dirty line amongst the filthy people slobbering over each other to buy this incredible device. First of all this phone isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity and should be a basic like food, clothing and shelter.

For a lot of you who already have the iPhone 4, the 4S looks exactly the same and has exactly the same functions and some really amazing additional ones. The Phone is available in black or white like Michael Jackson. This phone however has a very cool personal sex slave assistant named Siri, not to be confused with Tom Cruise’s daughter. Siri can be called upon whenever you want at the click of the home button. Siri is a company that was acquired by apple for 200 million dollars in 2010 and this is a major breakthrough for apple because it can do anything from making your schedule, playing a song from your iTunes Library, to buying movie tickets, to texting by voice, to finding you the nearest strip club if you live in Las Vegas all by voice recognition. I love F’ing around and asking Siri spastic questions like “where the Ho’s At?” Siri’s response was ” I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that” I then proceeded to ask “where the sluts at?” Siri’s response was I have found sixteen casino’s not far from you. Not only is this bitch smart, but she’s got a sense of humor.  My only fear is that these tech geeks are going to find some way to sodomize their phones.

To be honest, I am so obsest with Siri at the moment that all I want to do, without sounding like a complete pervert is play with her and find out what she does. It definitely helps to have iCloud, so you can sink all your apple devices effortlessly without any USB connections, but I have found that they don’t always sink up. You need to make sure all your devices are running on the OS5 software and that you have registered on iCloud for all the devices.  If that doesn’t work you also wirelessly sink through iTunes on your iPhone, but it has to be wifi enabled and you have to be near your Macbook your iPad to sink them up.

The camera is amazing at 8 megapixel and you can get all the nasty closeups you want. The picture quality is absolutely outstanding. Since I have just gotten the iPhone and haven’t fully tested everything because of my love affair with Siri , overall I would say if you are using any other phone, then you need to be knocked over the head with this one because why would you use anything else.

Here are the dirty details

Size and Weight

Height: 4.5 inches (115.2 mm)
Width: 2.31 inches (58.6 mm)
Depth: 0.37 inch (9.3 mm)
Weight: 4.9 ounces (140 grams)

Power and Battery

  • Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery
  • Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter
  • Talk time: Up to 8 hours on 3G, up to 14 hours on 2G (GSM)
  • Standby time: Up to 200 hours
  • Internet use: Up to 6 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi
  • Video playback: Up to 10 hours

Audio playback: Up to 40 hours

Cellular Data

  • World phone
  • UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz);
    GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
  • CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (800, 1900 MHz)4
  • 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi (802.11n 2.4GHz only)

Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology


  • Retina display
  • 3.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen Multi-Touch display
  • 960-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 ppi
  • 800:1 contrast ratio (typical)
  • 500 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)
  • Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating on front and back
  • Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously


  • Assisted GPS
  • Digital compass
  • Wi-Fi
  • Cellular

Camera, Photos, and Video

  •  8-megapixel camera
  • Autofocus
  • Tap to focus
  • Face detection in still images
  • LED flash
  • Video recording, HD (1080p) up to 30 frames per second with audio
  • Video stabilization
  • Front camera with VGA-quality photos and video at up to 30 frames per second
  • Photo and video geotagging

CRSVR at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas carries the most bad ass hats made by Brixton

In Uncategorized on October 17, 2011 at 10:36 pm


The Gain Hat
The Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas is by far the coolest hotel at the moment. It opened last December  at the dirtiest of economic times but has proven to have the most unique shopping on the Las Vegas Strip. 

I have been on the hunt for a cool hat of late. It’s hard not to want one, especially in Vegas. Sometimes you feel  that spirit of Frank Sinatra  on the strip and you want to look pimp. The problem with buying hats today is either they are ridiculously expensive or hooker Wallmart cheap. I am all about quality without selling your sole. In Vegas you see plenty of these Swamp Donkeys running around with their yard drinks and disposable hats they bought at Walgreen’s. F that! I would rather wear a Snugee in public. I recently bought my second Brixton hat from my good friend Nick at CRSVR at the Cosmopolitan  Hotel of Las Vegas.  Not only is this hat pimp, but its really well made and the price is right at $52  It comes in a variety of colors, but the grey to me is the classiest and punk rock at the same time if your looking for versatility.

While your there, you have to grab a pair of the coolest kicks because CRSVR is one of the only places in the country that you can buy limited edition NIke’s. They even have a $15,000 pair on display of red Nike Dunks, which were made for famed drummer Quest Love from the Roots. These have been adorned with white diamonds by jeweler extraordinaire Jason Of Beverly Hills. Go to CRSVR at the Cosmopolitan Hotel of Las Vegas ask for Nick, give him shit and tell him JF sent you.                                                            

Death or Glory Tattoo Las Vegas Tattoo’sfor a Cure

In Uncategorized on October 16, 2011 at 11:28 am

So here’s the deal. I have been in Vegas for almost a year now. I am surprised I am still alive and not hanging from a strippers VA JJ  on by a thread. Sin City F’ing rocks man. I never thought I could live here, but I have made some great friends, who have made my life easier to live by making it fun.  I have been getting tattooed for almost 15 years and I have been tattooed from all over the world from Boston to London, to L-Gay, I mean LA now to Las Vegas. The problem with most tattoo shops that I have been to or seen, is that they are all incredibly arrogant and don’t give a flying whatever about you. Your just  another victim number. It’s almost like how the US government looks at everybody living here, I am proud to say there is hope.

My good friends at Death or Glory Tattoo are amazing. They have just opened their brand new shop within the last two month’s and they are already doing cool shit like this past Saturday, they partnered with the Southern Nevada Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, where they hosted the First Annual “Tattoo for the TA-TA’s” on Saturday Oct. 15th.  100% of the day’s sales was donated to help fight breast cancer in our community.   
The event took place  Saturday, October 15. 11am – 8pm
Where: Death or Glory Tattoo
3950 E. Sunset Road, Ste. 115, Las Vegas 
(702) 998-8088  

The shop comprises of four bad ass bandits Brad, Brian, Paul and Jerry, who are all different and cool in their own right. They are all very speacial. Shit. I recently went to get one tattoo after my sis from London bailed on getting hers and now three weeks later I have added 8 tattoo’s to my skin canvas because they are that F’ing good. So, don’t be a biatch and go to Death or Glory Tattoo  ask for Brad, get inked and tell him JF sent you.