
Archive for July, 2010|Monthly archive page

Panerai launches their first IPhone App for July 2010

In Uncategorized on July 31, 2010 at 10:28 pm
On July 6th 2010 for the first time, Panerai launched their new IPhone App. I guess it’s been a long time coming. I thought they were cooler than that, but I guess with the increasing demand and to promote worldwide visibility it makes complete sense.  This app is pretty cool I must say because it’s more than just a virtual spank book. It has useful information and is updated monthly so the Panerai enthusiast can have his or her finger on the pulse. This app let’s you download cool wallpapers and even lets you know of the nearest Panerai boutique’s and has an option for you to contact them via phone and email. The app is available in English and Italian and can be donloaded for free at

IWC massacre’s the Big Pilot for Beverly Hills and Las Vegas Boutiques out of the blue

In Uncategorized on July 31, 2010 at 10:06 am


In a horrible attempt to turn a classic in to a classier watch, IWC has really made a mockery of the new limited edition one out of fifty steel Big Pilot for the Beverly Hills and Las Vegas boutique’s. I mean seriously come on! Really? Smurf blue Casio calculator numbers and hands? Wow! This is really upsetting and not a smart move for IWC. They have obviously employed the best digital watch designers to create this mastersleaze, I mean masterpiece. My thing is if it ain’t broken don’t break it yourself. Even the regular steel 5004 reference is border line atrocious. There was no need to change the original because it’s a reproduction of a vintage watch and this is desperation beyond repair. To add insult to the seriously injured the watch is engraved one out of fifty on the side of the case, instead of 1/50. This is just going to infuriate watch collectors further and not be taken seriously. The watch is exactly the same as the regular 5004 production piece, just the aesthetics have changed for the worse, if that’s possible. Talk about out of the blue!

Chanel has the right Idea, but the wrong Guy

In Uncategorized on July 31, 2010 at 8:46 am
So recently, Chanel has appointed a new ambassador for their new Rock Star J-12 Marine Diver watch. Laird Hamilton. The only problem in my mind, he is almost 50 and not a diver. Laird is definitely and icon in the world of surfing a generous philanthropist and no doubt loves the ocean, but what the hell has that got to do with diving? Chanel has the right idea, I mean thank god they didn’t get some retired fencing star right? Ok I know it’s not that bad, but Laird Hamilton’s has a totally different demographic than Chanel  in my opinion. 
Laird had these words to say about his partnership with Chanel. “I am honored to have the opportunity to be an ambassador for Chanel’s J12 Marine Watch and to work with a brand of such quality and heritage”.  I am really not sure if he is referring to Chanel.

This watch is authentic. I have put it through ‘the test’ and it has survived me. As a result, I look forward to representing the J12 Marine and this exciting new partnership.”
 I think he thought the watch was fake. Not sure what he means by this, but whatever.

In any event the watch is cool, but I think it’s the wrong fit and even though Chanel has the right idea, but the wrong guy