
Archive for September, 2009|Monthly archive page

A Timeless Bar!

In Uncategorized on September 27, 2009 at 7:18 am

So, When your in Beverly Hills, where do you think you can see the finest watches in the world under one roof? Typically you would think it would be a fine watch store. Bullshit! Actually it is non other than the Montage Hotel Parq Bar on North Cannon Dr in Beverly Hills. This Bar is a throwback to vintage in the most modern of ways. The bar is adorned with all the right stuff. Beautiful mahogany wood sections throughout the bar makes you feel like your in the old world of Humphrey Bogard while the well lit bottles of the finest alcoholic liquids fill the glass shelves behind the bar to make you realize who’s your daddy and what does he do? The seating is like your dream living room with cozy couches that will make you sink while your enjoying your favorite beverage while the race for who can sit at the bar on the most practical round leather covered swiveled bar stools with grommets make your ass planted for an 8 hour work day of relentless amounts of drinking. This isn’t just achieved with the booze alone, the landlords or the bartenders are even more important than the top shelf liquor they serve.

The top bartenders In the city of Beverly Hills are Randy March and Rudy Nocero. They are masters of what they do, so effortless, makes you feel at home and guaranteed to make you wet yourself with laughter. They leave the snobbery element of Beverly Hills at the door and keep you coming back for more. Then you have the element of witnessing the finest watches in the world, well let me tell you, this is the best way to see them. because looking at them in a watch store with some ass worshiping rim jobber who doesn’t know shit doesn’t really cut the fucking mustard! Of course it goes without saying the drinks that they make are legendary! Randy’s infamous alcoholic Hawaiian Punch is an amazing play on a true classic. Not to mention his passion for watches which proceeds him, he is not only passionate but knowledgeable when mixed with a good amount of drinks, makes for great conversation. He makes it into a real guys club without the dirty gayness, where women are more than welcome. His affinity for fine timepieces and his incredible sense of humor makes you want to listen for hours. Basically, he rocks! So go to Beverly Hills, not to Rodeo Dr, but head for a place where you feel like home and people know your name and when you leave you won’t remember your own and check out the Parq Bar at the Montage Hotel.