
The Real Source For Panerai

In Uncategorized on December 25, 2008 at 12:31 pm

OK People, So I get a lot of emails with regards to where the best place to get info on Panerai is. If you are a Panerai Fan like me, then for almost 9 years you have relied on www. as the unofficial Panerai authority on what’s going on with the brand with regards to technical questions, model numbers, pictures and a variety of other useful information. However, I am here to tell you, that In my opinion, their public forums have become a stomping ground for overgrown frat boys to profess there love for each other. It’s really sad. I mean the content, of what they have achieved over the years with educating the public is amazing and really commendable, but their public forums are the most intellectually devoid pieces of banter ever written in my opinion. These people on the forums clearly have no lives, and unless you are in bed so to speak with the moderators, you can forget it! You are judged, criticized and ridiculed for having an opinion which is the whole point of having a public forum.

Gone are the days of Guy Verbiste, who was the founder of the site back in 2000. He had a vision, which he clearly executed through his site and members through his passion, love and respect for the brand, which in my opinion has gone to hell and been turned upside down with regards to the public forum in the last few years, since the site has been taken over. Unless your accepted or part of the community, I feel there is no place for you on there, almost like a high school clique.

You want to have great conversations and put your mind to ease? Then, I highly recommend you go to www. or talk to Chad at the Beverly Hills Panerai boutique before you go onto this really condescending public forum for a conversation on the brand. You will be treated with dignity and respect, and you won’t feel like wanker for stating your opinion or asking questions.

Rock On And Flyback!

  1. Love your site Johnny.Happy holidays. And as a long time ‘risti, I agree with your comments 100%

  2. Johnny,I always appreciate a man who speaks his mind. I’m not a Paneristi participant so I can’t really weigh in on this one, but my guess is you will hear plenty from other folks on this one! Keep up the good

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