

In Uncategorized on May 25, 2008 at 4:31 pm

Depending what part of the world you are in some of you are barley waking up scrathing your ass and some of you are taking a nap recovering from the weekend. Those of you interested in watches and have a passion, I feel that I must enlighten you in case you don’t already know about the highest form of watch making that is the Tourbillon. The Tourbillon was patented by Louis-Abraham Breguet in the year 1795. This was originally a device used in pocket watches to counter gravity. This is accomplished by taking the escapement and mounting it in a rotating frame which immediatley voids the effects of gravity when the escapement is rotating at 180 degrees. At that time pocket watches were the only tool to measure time besides sundials and clock towers. Pocket watches were always in one or two positions not having continuous motion affecting the accuracy. By having a Tourbillon countering the effects of gravity the watch became much more accurate. A wristwatch in itself today is a Tourbillon, but the technical construction, exclusivity and finishing are amongst the most prestigious forms of watch making revered by collectors throughout the world. These incredibly well finished watches are a huge mechanical challenges for which they command hundreds of thousands of Dollars depending on the brand. Today every one and there mother claims to make a good Tourbillon which is absolute bollucks. If I am going to buy a Tourbillon I am only going to go the source, the Inventor of the Tourbillon which is the original that is Breguet!

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